Cakes order by Aishah from Cygal: 2 marble cheesecake & 1 blueberry cheesecake. This is her second order. Her first order was Marble cheesecake. I guess she like it ;) Thanks a lot for your support shah. The Blueberry Cheesecake is dedicated to all nurses and Dr who is giving treatment to Pak Abu Hassan in HUKM. All delivered in Thursday 26 Apr. Moga pakcik Hasan cepat sembuh.
Last but not least 2 cakes order by my office mate, Kak Fidah. Delivered on Saturday, 28 Apr.kek ni jalan paling jauh..sampai ke Kuantan. Thanks yer kak.
Next is Choc Moist Cake for Yani’s niece. Happy Birthday Syira ;) Delivered on Saturday. Perasan tak ada marble effect sket atas kek tu?
Short story on my Friday's leave.
With my mom, 1st we went to Sogo, just bought few household items.
Then we went to Homedec 07 & end up I spent RM1k++. The highest expenditure I ever made in one day shopping. Actually, it goes for deposit of Grill Wrought Iron & Sliding door :)
Insyallah, 2nd contractor will come to our house this Saturday recommended by Yani.
The Labor's day holiday also fun. We were having a konvoi trip to visit Mie's house & Tok Ngah Jiman's house in Sg Petani & Abg Won's house in Jitra. All 3 cars, macam jalan raya beb. All of the married siblings already have a new house. Alhamdulillah :) Malam tu sampai umah jam 11mlm. Only one family was not in, AbgWady &K. Ain . Takpe la lain kali kot.
wah maju betul perniagaan kek fara. Hebats hebatss! Kita pun nak order.. tapi tade occasion la plak..Nantilaa birthday budak dua ketul tuh.. kite order.. yah yah..
sikulatt..takyah la tunggu occasion..order je utk makan saje2 ;)
erh.. lupe plak nak tanya. Pegi homedec tak arituh ? Best ke ? Apa dah beli ?
kek tu best sangat.. sampai licin... sampaikan ramai sedara mara yang tak rasa sebab dah kene serbu ngan neighbour kakak hahahaha... anyway Yani akan jadi pelanggan tetap Farah sebab nak buat sendiri confirm tak jalan.... hehehhe Thanks..
Alhamdulillah ramai yg suka;)
Thanks a lot Yani. Nice to know that my friend is going to be my loyal customer. You should try my cheesecake too.
yani next time kene order 2 biji kek, bleh kasi diskaun
semoga bisnes maju, boleh keje dari rumah dan jaga anak2 :">
wah...meriahnye cuti.rugi kami tak balik kampung masa tu.tiap2 kali balik, jumpa kak linda aje.dah la balik kejap month la boleh balik lama.
bila masa fara cari masa ? boleh jual kek lagi.akak tak dapat nak terima bila ada kawan nak order.tak nak komitmen...dan buat kek suka2 aje:)P dan masa tak mengizinkan, every weekend ada aje program JIM.
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