Friday, February 17, 2006

Green Horse

This is old picture. I wanted to share how Mus’ab looks like 3 weeks ago during chicken pox fever! Even he was suffering chicken pox, but he really enjoyed riding the horse! Thanks to my Mom for giving my son an adorable horse. She bought it on his second day’s fever.

The 1st week of his chicken pox was very tough. He cried every time he woke up on the night. Maybe because the itchiness, uncomfortable and hotness of the night. 2 days after he couldn’t sleep tidily in our room, we’ve decided to sleep in the hall because of his ‘Buaian’. We think that we could use it if we failed to calm him down on the night.

On the first night we slept in the hall, he woke up & cried as usual. We tried to calm him down using various ways (including Buaian) but we failed. We were very tired. We were hopeless & started to ignore him. Suddenly, he stopped crying & when I looked at him, he was playing with the horse. He pushed the horse around the house! Then he falls asleep again without our effort! Alhamdulillah. Cukup le tido kami malam tu. Why he just pushed the horse? Because he scared to ride it! Actually he took 5 days to learn to ride it! Haha

Now he can ride the horse in high speed! He also put something else on the horse & pushed around. We really enjoyed watching his adorable activity rather than the tv program. Another thing the scars of chick pox still exist and start to reduce every day.

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