I’ve been trying to wean off my Mawaddah slowly for few months ago and starting this week she has successfully stops breastfeeding. Even though I had not breastfeed exclusive as other supermoms did, I’m glad and really thankful to Allah for giving this opportunity to breastfeed her until she is 2 years and 10 months. In 2 months time, I hope she will be a matured Kakak ;)
Mama always luv u bebeh
erkk..kakak means...mama got adik inside tummy ke?? jeng je jeng...:)
elok la di panggil kakak..awal2 dah train supaya tak manja lebih :p
btul tu farra...mmg kena panggil kakak..lgpon dpt adik kang, senang panggilan dah kakak... :)
masa berlalu begitu pantas eh.tup tup dah nak 3 tahun mawaddah.last2 teknik apa yg berjaya cerai susu tu?
sis ain~don't ask me..i dont have any tips..in return, i suffer with mawaddah tantrum during the nights :p ..hopefully she will settle down very soon..tgh sesuaikan diri la tu :D
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